
Have you been dreaming about becoming a Product Manager for a very long time ? Do you find yourself not being comfortable in any other role (ex. Development Manager, QA Manager etc.) but a Product role ? Are you not getting the final offer, or being kept at “fence” for a PM role ? Are you noticing people with less technical skills becoming PMs, but not you ?

If you answered a “Yes” to one or more questions above, I want to let you know that “Product Management Club” was created for people like you, who aspire to be a Product Manager.

A few 100s of students have benefited from our webinars and our curriculum. Most of them have successfully transitioned to a Product role. 

We offer a highly customized learning experience based on your unique experience, your industry and your products. 

We do private coaching (1:1 with students), and have also coached at Fortune 500 companies and Universities.

The systematic way to learn Product Management is about thinking a Product across three phases – Conceiving a product idea, Building a Product, Taking the Product out to market. For each phase, our system has a lot of relevant tools, frameworks, real-world practical examples and of course theoretical material, brought to you in an easy-to-digest manner.

We welcome you to this site. Here are a few testimonials from a few of our students! More testimonials are available on the “Courses” page.

“I transitioned to IoT Product Mgmt in 2018. Your guidance helped me address some challenging questions during my interview”

Bibin Raveendran, Product Mgr.

“I visited your website and the blog and it’s very valuable. I have already gained some product insight from your website/blog”

Richard Gold, Fintech Professional

“Rahul helped me with specific guidance on becoming a Product Manager. He taught me how to leverage my background as a Project Manager to become a Product Manager. He spent time on making my resume more effective. He told me about various ways to find a Product job and how to go about them. He taught me the importance of strategy to a Product Management role, frameworks for prioritizing requirements. I feel much more comfortable with my background also confident about my search.”

Sylvia Kao, Aspiring Product Manager

Please schedule a 30-min 1:1 complimentary session to determine if we can address your needs. Please text 408-540-9275 to schedule this complimentary session.